BSN 2021 Outlook

Jan 15 · 3 min read

In 2021, BSN will proliferate and continuously trailblaze a new path for blockchain practitioners in an open and inclusive way. This year, BSN will keep investing heavily on R&D, enabling new features and functions on BSN products, and launch several critical projects and partnerships to accelerate the mass adoption of blockchain technology worldwide. The following four aspects delineate the roadmap for BSN in 2021.

1. Build a digital currency payment network

The central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are being adopted worldwide as a secure and liquid government-backed payment method. Many central banks perceive CBDCs as essential in a digital world in which cash use is steadily diminishing. BSN plans to build a digital currency payment network in five years based on the CBDCs of various countries and stablecoins, working with several international banks and technology companies. This digital payment network will completely change the current payment and circulation method, enabling a standardized digital currency transfer method and payment procedure for any information system. Beta version of this convenient and cost-friendly global payment solution will be launched in the second half of 2021.

2. Continue to expand the BSN network

BSN will continue to expand the network by creating more public city nodes (PCNs), integrating more frameworks, and building more BSN portals worldwide.


  • BSN China will have 150 PCNs, deep-rooted in second and third-tier cities.


  • BSN China will have 30 portals, including 10 BSN provincial backbone portals and 20 industry-specific portals.


BSN will complete the integration of all mainstream permissioned frameworks in the world, and BSN International will complete the integration of 30 public chain frameworks. At the same time, at least 3 new cross-chain protocols will launch.

3. Promote the Private BSN and the Empowerment Platform

BSN will keep investing in the R&D, adding more exciting features and functions, and boosting the sales of the Private BSN and the Empowerment Platform. Private BSN has been deployed in 6 provinces in China, aiming to cover all provinces (31) in China in 2021. Combining the BSN public network and Private BSN, BSN will become the core “new infrastructure” for China’s digital economy and social governance. In 2021, the Empowerment Platform will support multiple languages ​​and be promoted internationally on a much larger scale to coordinate with BSN’s global layout and development.

4. Flourish the BSN ecosystem

BSN will reinforce our partnership with cloud service providers, framework providers, and portal providers to make BSN’s service more cost-effective and interoperable to SMEs and individual developers. BSN is patiently and enthusiastically looking forward to getting new regional partners for new inspiration and technical diversity. With valuable partnerships, BSN will create a more thriving ecosystem in full confidence.

In 2021, the BSN Development Association will establish a comprehensive and mature training system in China to upskill more individuals and organizations to embed blockchain technologies into traditional information systems that make the real economy more cost-effective and foster a new round of technological innovation.

BSN is determined to valiantly respond to the myriad of challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in 2021. If you have any questions or general inquiries, please contact us at


The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network.


The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.


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The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.


The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.

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